2024 cycling week 9

stopped for school traffic on monday

Monday & Tuesday were still cold in the morning so I rode in the afternoons.

I am learning to just ride a moderate pace, not trying to go harder, just longer. It is nice not being too sweaty when I get home.

The afternoons are getting warmer and windy. I came home a bit sweaty on Tuesday and Wednesday. It is time to switch back to my morning ride.

I rode in the morning on Thursday.

It was quiet and dark.

February mileage 493

Streak 1,462 days = 4 years

On Saturday I rode back to Oliver’s to have the front panniers installed.

ominous clouds on the way home

On Sunday, I rode up to a friend’s house and stayed whiled it rained outside.

This week 119 miles

This year 1,004 miles

Streak 1,464 days

I love that I am a week ahead of goal.