2024 cycling week 8

More cold mornings this week.

I have completed my Apple Watch February challenge so I no longer need to exercise 103 minutes each day. I did an easier ride on Monday afternoon but then felt guilty by Tuesday and did 18 miles.

On Wednesday, I rode to the dentist. It was very cold!

Then I rode to the Oliver’s to see about a chain. They couldn’t do it then so we scheduled it for Saturday. Another 18 mile day!

On Thursday, I did another 18 miles after work.

I tried riding slower on Friday. I did OK for about an hour then got bored.

On Saturday, I rode my bike to Oliver’s, the local bike shop. It was time for a new chain, cassette and overall check of my e-bike.

I went to Panera while it was being worked on.

I ordered the front panniers and asked about an extra battery. It is not yet available.

I rode home the long way.

I did a long ride on Sunday mostly to get in my exercise minutes and it was a beautiful day.

This week 129 miles

This year 885 miles

Streak 1,457 days