2024 cycling week 1

I am trying something different this year. Instead of documenting each day here, I am just going to do a little post about my week.

My cycling goal this year is to ride 5,000 miles. That is just under 100 miles per week. So I will aim for 100 miles per week and it gives me some leeway in case I need to ride a little less some weeks.

An ideal week would be to ride 15 miles Monday through Friday and 20 miles on Saturday & Sunday which would be 115 miles. Rarely does an ideal week happen so I will do what I can.

The weather was cold this week. I do not like to ride when the temps dip below 50º. I can ride but the ride ends up much shorter.

Monday was New Year’s Day and I got a longer ride in. Tuesday through Friday were chilly and I rode after work. I like that I can start work a bit earlier and quit earlier so I can ride for about an hour before I need to worry about dinner. It was also nice that school was out so I didn’t have to worry about that traffic.

All the rides were around Meadow Pointe. I would stop and take photos of the cows if they happened to be near the fence.

This week 109 miles

This year 109 miles

Streak 1,408 days