9 december


My feet were bothering this morning and I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to walk. I had some large bandaods and put them over the blisters. I could still feel the blisters but they didn't hurt. I didn't have a problem walking.

I had to make another stop at Target and found some bandages specifically for blisters. They provide some cushioning and are supposed to stay on a few days. I got a box to try.

Starbucks had been having Twelve Days of Wishes. Each day they have a different special offer with their coffees or drinkware. The drinkware usually sells out before the morning rush is over. And the coffees don't interest me. Oh well, it's not like I need more stuff.


I made Dutch butter cookies today. My sister-in-law used to make these and I loved them. She sent me the recipe a few weeks ago. They are pretty easy to make with few ingredient. Maybe too few since they did not taste as good as I remember. Hmm...